

AFA Singapore 2014 Trip

 AFA Singapore 2014 Trip It’s already a week since Anime Festival Asia (AFA) Singapore 2014 started. Now I’m down with influenza virus that I caught from my partner-in-crime (virus keeps mutating from every individual!), I’ll be less active with the site updates until I recover soon.


Nuke Tips – Speed up Nuke with hardware upgrades

Speed up Nuke – The gotta go fast way While Adobe have a great guide on which components affect the overall performance in After Effects (and other Adobe software), it is pretty hard to find an equivalent guide for Nuke unless you browse forum threads and process all the information (which is time consuming). After […]


The Making of… Fate Actually – Part 2

The Making of… Fate Actually – Part 2 With part 1 covering the pre-production side of this fan book, part 2 focus on how the artwork is created and the thought process behind the book layout.


The Making of… Fate Actually – Part 1

The Making of… Fate Actually – Part 1 Welcome to the bonus section on the making of Fate Actually! This article will cover the general process of producing both the artwork and the book itself. The first part of this two part article explains the pre-production of the book and potential pitfall that might happened. […]


Nuke 9 – Quick Impression

Nuke 9 Quick Impression When The Foundry announces the Nuke 9 beta testing for current subscribers (I’m currently on the graduate licence), I quickly jump on it knowing the perils of potential bug for my the side project I’m working on. The beta started early September 2014 and I’ve been using every beta version save […]


Migrating WordPress – The Experience

AllowOverride all ssh permalinks@permalinks sudo nano /var/www/wtf/is/migrating/a/not/very/fun/experience/for/existing/permalinks sudo service permalinks restart qq Now back to WordPress Permalinks Issue Ok if anyone ever suffer from following gazillions advice on fixing the DARN permalinks in WordPress after migration, this kind samaritan solutions actually works for me. The only catch is I’m currently using a LAMP Ubuntu setup […]


Exporting Nuke Camera Tracker to After Effects

06 February 2015 Update: Revised step by step instructions for clearer process and added things to look out for when using this ghetto method How can one export Nuke Camera Tracker to After Effects? Voodoo Magic? One of my pet peeves when working with Nuke is that… it is not great in dealing with motion […]


Nuke Tips – FrameHold

Freezing time in a nuclear explosion There are times you need to freeze a particular frame from a read sequence for use in camera projection or cleanup. Nuke have a handy way to quickly freeze to your chosen frame number using the FrameHold node. It is similar to After Effects Freeze Frame function which you […]


Using Tenso for Amazon JP Marketplace

This is another odd post for this site. Something of a break from the weekly Nuke Tips and other VFX related posts. Update: I enabled comment for this post in case you have question about the service! Update 2: Revised grammar and spelling. Have money? There is a catch! There are some items that I […]

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