PostsNuke TipsDemo ReelGalleryResumeAbout





Merry Christmas 2022! Initial soft launch of React site. Expect glitches for selected pages and posts.


Update landing page announcement and backend maintenance for upcoming React theme.


Server and site housekeeping in preparation for new landing page using React.


Update resume to reflect up to date skills and responsibilities (and yes that means I’m seeking for new job opportunities).


Server and site housekeeping. Yup this site is still alive.


Server upgrade to the latest Ubuntu LTS and various minor bugfix on the backend. Also the site should be snappier since it is on a fresh environment versus the initial 2014 deployment!


My write up on the FX tasks that I’ve worked on for CR Devil May Cry 4 pachislot is ready to be Devil Trigger!


As Crayon Syntax Highlighter plugin has various compatibility issue with the latest WordPress, I’m slowly updating every posts that has code to use Enlighter syntax highlighter. Expect plain looking code for majority of the posts until I’m done with it!


Server housekeeping and maintenance because bugs!


Clamouring for clamping values in Nuke? This Nuke Tips covers the usage of the Clamp Node.


Bookmarks? Favourites/Favorites? Why not bookmarking nodes in Nuke in this Nuke Tips!


Interested in reading up my Houdini learning process for Project DQ? Be warned it is a lengthy 2049 words and screenshots galore!


Still not feeling the blur from previous blurry Nuke Tips? This Nuke Tips explore the difference between Kronos, MotionBlur, Oflow and VectorBlur nodes when adding post motion blur!


My very first Houdini FX Reel is up on Vimeo!


Feeling blur? Matching Houdini’s Mantra motion blur with Vray Motion Blur from 3ds Max should sharpen your mind in this month’s Houdini Tips!


Use Hide Node Input to play hide and seek in Nuke’s node graph!


Time to normalize depth pass in Nuke! Wait should it be normalise? Which one is more normal?


The very first Houdini Tips is up aka how to fetch and blend attributes from imported camera.


Happy New Year 2018! /(^o^)/


The finale of Procedural Film Scratch (Creating Gizmo) trilogy in Nuke has arrived. Click here to read it!


Part 2 of creating gizmo for a procedural film scratch in Nuke is ready for your reading pleasure.


Happy Halloween! Another Nuke Tips on how to tweak HDRI map for rendering while the second part of creating gizmo is still in progress.


Minor CSS tweak to improve the readability on both desktop and mobile layout.


First part of creating gizmo for a procedural film scratch in Nuke is up!


Upgraded the server backend to the latest Ubuntu LTS and enabled SSL support for higher security. Browse freely without worrying about potential data theft!


Added GANTZ: O FX Reel to the demoreel page and revised résumé .


Updated the site to WordPress 4.8 and various backend stability fixes.


The site owner is virtually dead. April Fools! To celebrate the month of April, I’ll be publishing a few articles about coding for VFX and animation in general. Happy coding!


Happy New Year 2017! \(^3^)/


With the premiere of Gantz: O in Japan today and my very first 3DCG feature film as an FX artist, I’m proud to present my Blood FX using RealFlow tutorial!


Updated the Resume and About page.


Time for the long awaited Practical Compositing Fundamentals for 3DCG project in Nuke!


Did I missed out June updates? Yes indeed. The next update will cover the typical compositing scenario in a actual production using Nuke and Vray so stay tuned!


Matching Colour in Nuke is ready, new post about. – Yoda


Updated the site to WordPress 4.5. Hopefully nothing breaks.


I’m preparing a master list of recreating After Effects settings in Nuke and vice versa. Hopefully this will be useful for any comp artists who need to know the equivalent settings/functions in either software.


Gizmo Duck? Nope, this guide shows you the way for easy access to gizmo in Nuke.


Learn how to export Maya scene as .vrscene (Vray Scene) for rendering with Vray Standalone.


Happy New Year 2016!


Another Nuke Tips (of the month) exploring the difference between Vector Blur and 3D Motion Blur in compositing.


For those who genuinely want to visit my site, you can either use Google Cache or using proxy service like Hola to bypass the restriction that I’ve put on selected countries (which unfortunately I can’t name here but you should know if you managed to bypass it). I really want actual human users who are interested with my site content instead of spambots.


Implemented iQ Block Country to reduce spam attacks on my site (due to recent AdSense suspension). Apology for those who are unable to view the site from affected countries!


Removed Google AdSense from the site due account suspension by Google. :D The site will be ads-free from now on!


Woops something breaks in the process of upgrading to WordPress v4.3! The Nuke Tips listing has been fixed (which got accidentally disabled during the upgrade).


General server optimisation and cleanup of older Nuke Tips posts for clarity.


Happy 50th Birthday to Singapore! Also new Nuke Tips I mean Mari Tips that touch on enabling V-Sync to prevent your GPU from disintegrate.


Yet another Matte Painting Demo? Yes this is Matte Painting Demo 03!


I’ll be giving another guest lecture on matte painting at Multimedia Univeristy, Cyberjaya this coming Monday, 27 July 2015. The materials will be up on the site too so apology for the lack of updates! (and going on vacation to Velen, Novigrad and Skellige Isles-)


Happy Birthday to Billy and Jrod! Not to forget a certain owner of this site—


Often struggling with CameraTracker? Fear not as I’ve listed down the common issues one will encounter when using CameraTracker!


The lack of new posts recently was due to me on vacation in The Witcher 3 world during weekends–


I got a mild fever for the past few days so once again, there will be no new post for this week.


Updates will be slower than usual until further notice. Also Survival Tips 101: Make sure to learn various languages other than English to survive the era of globalisation. I legitimately says English is not sufficient to survive the working industry in Malaysia.


How often do you flip a table? This week Nuke Tips explore the various flipbook methods before you flip an actual physical table. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


There will be less update for this month as I’m trying to get used to my full-time job schedule (with a daily 4 hours of public transport commuting). Plus The Witcher 3 is sucking every last bit of my free time during weekend.


The website is up without a single MySQL DB crash since Sunday so I’m hoping the site will not go down during work. Also no new Nuke Tips for now until this weekend which covers the use of Nuke’s Viewer as an alternative flipbook.


There will be occasional downtime and broken links as I still working on fixing the site.


The site was down for nearly the whole day due to backend maintenance. Sadly I still can’t solve the problem but it affects the backend operation only.


Updated the site CSS to prevent images that is smaller from the max-width from enlarging. Total brainfart on my side. Also whipped out a guide to rendering wireframe in 3ds max!


Nobody like noise pollution but you’ll need to learn to love the Noise in Nuke in this week Nuke Tips.


I forgot to link the screenshots zip file for the H.264 compression comparison article. The article has been updated with link to the zip file.


Disabling the comments function seems to solved the MySQL process from crashing frequently due to the spambot attacks. Since I only received one legit comment since the site’s inception, the comments function will be disabled unless I have the opportunity to upgrade the server specs which will not happen soon.


There is a huge increase of spam attack on my site so if the site is down (if you’re reading this now), it is probably due to the high number of connection request by the spambots. I’ll be monitoring the site every few hours to ensure minimum downtime.


The first part for Incriminate Behind the Scenes is up!


Updated the H.264 compression comparison article with my preferred method of exporting H.264 video from Premiere Pro/After Effects using x264vfw.


A short article on H.264 compression comparison and how it can reduce the image quality of your beautiful VFX render if you’re not careful!


While I’m still drafting the Behind the Scenes for Incriminate short film article, I’ve compiled the various video montage of the shooting as part of Episode 1 of taukeke video podcast at Youtube.


Updated my Demo Reel page with the complete list of TVC video that I’ve worked on at MFX Sdn Bhd and older demo reels! You heard that right. OLD DEMO REELS.


Interested in learning Nuke without forking out the cash for the software? Read on for my thoughts and limitation of Nuke Non-commercial.


Added Demo Reel and Resume page.


My latest VFX demoreel is up on both Vimeo and Youtube! If possible, download the HQ H.264 version (291MB) as Vimeo and Youtube compress it really badly (to my liking anyway). My latest resume should be up on my site and LinkedIn by tomorrow.


This week Nuke Tips is about The Order 1886. Ok it’s about Render Order in Nuke. One day I’ll get a PS4 to play The Order 1886.


Updated WordPress to version 4.2. The usual disclaimer aka if something breaks, I’ll look into it ASAP. For now enjoy browsing the site! ?


There will be no updates for this week as my sinus attack slow down my productivity a lot. Ok I’m not a doctor but Zyrtec tablets helped me a lot in reducing the inflammation for my nostril.


The Foundry officially released the non-commercial version of Nuke! I’m preparing a new article on it to compare the limitations of the Non-Commercial vs Full version (technically I’m on the Student Graduate licence).


This week Nuke Tips try to peel off the mask behind masking in Nuke. S-S-S-SMOKIN’!


Increased the recent posts from two to four articles.


Looking for the “Lens Flare” node in Nuke? Sorry you have to make do with the Donut I mean Flare node in this week Nuke Tips.


I’m in the midst of creating a brand new demoreel for job hunting and there will be a short article covering my VFX skill progress since I first exposed to the world of VFX. Stay tuned!


My very first video podcast explaining my thought process on creating a day to night matte painting. Warning strong AZN accent in the video.


I realise that the site is getting too heavy to load on my good old trusty iPod Touch 4G and I’ll not be optimising the site for older mobile devices. And yes this is not an April Fools’ joke-


Great news everyone! Thanks to a kind commenter aka Chris, it is possible to export Nuke camera and basic geo to After Effects through a Python script written by Simon Bjork. I will write a new post on it soon which will render my ghetto method obsolete.


To Proxy or Not to Proxy in this week Nuke Tips.


Post that uses Crayon Syntax Highlighter (the code view) will load faster with the recent plugin update. Also I will be taking a break from updating my Tumblr account as the site loads really slow for the past few days which prevented me from uploading a photo properly.


Updated Jetpack module for WordPress to v3.4 so expect some funky stuff on the site. At least Jetpack Stats is now async which means I will revise my Google PageSpeed article soon.


Learn how to make full use of Octane Render passes for 3dsmax in Nuke compositing!


Back to basic in this week Nuke Tips as we explore the function of TimeOffset.


Minor site optimisation. Also I salute the persistence of web developer/designer based in India in spamming emailing me your service! “Dukacita” aka Sadly I don’t need your services since this site development is the fruits of my labour.


Need to visualize point cloud in Nuke 3D space? This week Nuke Tips cover the use of Position to Points node to bring the point cloud in XYZ dimension.


Updated Nuke Tips – Transform in Nuke with picture examples.


Embedded Youtube and Vimeo are now responsive so it scales properly on mobile devices.


Ever wonder how you can cripple I mean disable a node in Nuke using expression? This week Nuke Tips explore two expressions to disable it.


Back from Chinese New Year trip. Update for last week Nuke Tips with more picture examples and description will be posted soon.


Ever wonder what is the equivalent Photoshop transform tool in Nuke? This week Nuke Tips explore the various Nuke transform node that perform similarly to Photoshop.


Bonus Nuke Tips for Valentine’s Day! See how one can quickly texture a geometry in Nuke using Project3D node.


Jean-Claude Van Damme starred in this week Nuke Tips to demonstrate the LightWrap node in Nuke (JCVD green screen footage courtesy of


No Nuke Tips for this week due to frequent timeout connection courtesy of Total Monopoly aka Telekom Malaysia. What I did is revising my Exporting Nuke Camera Tracker to After Effects tutorial with things to look out for when using this ghetto technique.


Selected future post updates will feature Retina quality JPEG images and don’t worry it will not impact the loading speed as I’ll be compressing it more to approximately match the standard resolution of 60 quality JPEG (I’m aiming for 30 quality for Retina images). The good part is it will look sharp on Retina/HiDPI display and there is no bad part really except PNG or GIF files is excluded due to the large file size from higher resolution. Also smartphone users need not worry as I already tweak the site to serve the appropriate size images to ensure speedy loading! Although if you are browsing the site on tablet with mobile internet, you’ll get served with the Retina images though (no proper workaround for this situation).


Time to share my experience on how I butcher my WordPress site to get better score in Google PageSpeed. Not to forget more tweaks to squeeze every single milliseconds to improve the site performance.


More tweaks to the site performance aiming to remove resource hogging Javascript. The current site performance is the best optimization that I can do without resorting to higher specs server.


Running Ubuntu on your own server and encounter Error Establishing Database Connection in WordPress? Here’s my own take in solving the problem. Also I removed a lot of resource-hogging Javascript from the site after seeing my iPod Touch 4th Gen struggle to load the site properly. That include Infolinks ads which got disabled temporarily (and probably abandoned it in the near future).


Major CSS tweak layout that is not… obvious for visitors. The tweak solves my pet peeves on mobile devices where rotation will load another set of layout which is not consistent with the default desktop look.


Time to step up the preview process during rotoscoping, paint and keying in Nuke by enabling the Full Frame Processing in this week Nuke Tips.


To improve the site overall usability especially on mobile devices, I added a sticky header which will pop up at the top for easier navigation of the site menus.


Suffering from the distortion of space time continuum? This week Nuke Tips cover the use of LensDistortion to distort CG render!


Revamp the gallery section in favour of Jetpack Tiled Galleries. Actually I didn’t realise that Infolink Ads broke Touchfolio own gallery layout. Also I installed Simple Lightbox to allow for easier viewing and navigation of the gallery plus any posts/pages that have clickable images.


Seems like the dreaded “Error establishing a database connection” occured again. It it due to the MySQL database process failed to restart after crashing which I promptly fix it. Temporarily I remove possible rogue process that can crash the MySQL DB from the server and will see how it goes during the weekend.


Looking for decent green screen plates for compositing practice? Here’s a quick review of Hollywood Camera Work’s free plates.


There was a database error that occured around 10:47pm GMT+8 timezone which causes the site to be unreachable to everyone. The problem has been solved and luckily no database corruption was detected.


Added Infolinks ads to the site. This will be a short-term experiment to compliment Google Adsense. Also wondering how to bake expression value in Nuke? Read on for the recipe.


I’m experimenting with Google Adsense placement and if you enabled Adblock on this site due to rogue ads such as pop-up window or force redirection, do let me know by using the contact form at the About page!


Time to cushion up those numbers when outputting your file in Nuke in this week Nuke Tips.


Minor revamp to the front page. Recent posts will list down the three recent posts as I noticed mobile users need to scroll all the way down to see the recent posts on this site.


Subtle tweak to the CSS for mobile! All future images will be sized at 730px compared to earlier uploads which are sized at 640px. Also there is a high chance some of the existing image suffered from broken link due to a batch resizing on the existing images which will be fix as I manually inspect all posts on the site.


This week Nuke Tips is ready to assist your 2D tracking in Nuke with Keyframe Tracking.


The PS3 is already dead. Long live the PS3! Read more about it on Part 2 of the Repair of the PS3 YLOD.


Updated majority of the posts with Read More tag to minimise the server load when accessing the site using RSS or blog page.


Created a Tumblr account as a daily photo/artwork blog! (there will be no text update over at Tumblr)


Happy New Year 2015! The usual new year resolution is 5K Retina display-


Using a desktop browser like Firefox/Chrome and wish you can improve Google search user interface? Here’s a quick solution to fix the miserable simplistic Google interface.


The first of two parts in trying to fix the PS3 YLOD article is up!


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrate it! There will be no new posts for this week as I’m away from my main computer.


Updated WordPress to version 4.1. Expect funky stuff to happened to the site in the next few days.


I’m pretty occupied lately trying to fix a fat PS3 model that suffer from the dreaded YLOD so there will be updates for this week! Good thing is I will document my process on trying to revive the PS3 sometime next week after I give it a major stress test this weekend. If it survives, great. If not, well you only live once so that is the bat signal for me to abandon ship.


Looking for prepaid number in Singapore for mobile internet usage as a visitor/tourist? Here’s my experience on getting one during my AFA SG trip.


Large photos trip of Anime Festival Asia (AFA) Singapore 2014 is up!


Minor site maintenance and feeling the need to gotta go fast for Nuke with hardware upgrades? Read on to see which component affects Nuke overall performance.


I’m currently at AFA Singapore! Meet me at Booth C60 and C61 to support my fanbook and also to chat about Nuke or VFX compositing.


Fix Collapse-O-Matic broken layout due to the latest plugin update.


More minor updates to improve the site browsing experience. You will notice a “Return to top” button as you scroll down the site which will take you back to the top (this is particularly handy on Android platform as it doesn’t have iOS native tap status bar to scroll back to top). Also the categories menu on the sidebar have been enhanced with collapsible menu that list every posts associated with it.


Enabled Collapse-O-Matic to reduce the long list of site updates on the front page and minor site UI update.


I removed all tags from every posts as I find it cluttering the database for now. So expect 404 error when you arrived at the site through any existing tag links.


Implemented Adobe Typekit due to a bug with Google Fonts disappearing when viewed on Google Chrome. Also my quick impression on Nuke 9 is up.


Reverted to standard system font for the site appearance due to an annoying Google Fonts bug on Google Chrome. Yes Google very own Fonts just vanish on Google very own Chrome. How ironic.


Ok the site is officially running on Digital Ocean server. Read more about the site migration process from the prior host aka HostGator.


Experimenting with Google mod_pagespeed module on the server. This should improve the site responsiveness and overall loading speed.


Hmmm I remember creating a post on 21st Nov regarding the site migration issue to another web host. For now the site is fully up and functioning for you visitors!


Struggle to 3D track your brain to export Nuke’s CameraTracker data to After Effects? Here’s a ghetto workaround that actually work!


Need someone to hold a specific frame in Nuke? FrameHold is the particular person that you want to ask for it!


Uploaded the timelapse video for the Matte Painting Demo 02 at Youtube at glorious 1080p!


Need to buy items from Amazon JP Marketplace but only shipped within Japan? Checkout this guide to using Tenso, a forwarding service company based in Tokyo.


Why converting footages to image sequences matters in a VFX workflow is important for your sanity.


Matte Painting Demo 02 is ready to torment the VFX & Compositing students of Multimedia University Cyberjaya.


Happy Halloween!\( ^o^)/ Enjoy it while not shaking your faith. Also I switch to Jetpack’s Related Posts from WordPress Related Posts as part of the site monthly back-end optimisation.


Need to expand or shrink your alpha/matte in Nuke? Time to Erode those problem!


This week Nuke Tips crop is about ensuring absolute crop for your final output composition.


Having the latest and greatest Geforce GTX 980 but still facing pixelated textures in Mari? Time to tweak the default GPU settings in Mari.


Temporary placeholder post for my upcoming second matte painting demo at MMU Cyberjaya is up. It covers the general idea for the exercise and will be updated as more progress is made to the matte painting.


Noisy footages? Time to silence it using Denoise in NukeX


I’m experiencing connection issues to my own site so updates will be irregular until further notice.


Long overdue colour bit-depth and file format comparison for colour grading is long overdue.


Why TM sucks? Because they sucks. The oddest post ever on this site tackles the problem of setting up Unifail I mean Unifi and HyppTV on DD-WRT router.


Is your audio muted in Hiero? Check out this Bug of the Day post to restore Hiero voicebox.


Convolve or Defocus? That is a blurry question in this week Nuke Tips


Another weekly Nuke Tips update covering Card3D vs Card.


Finally sorted out Nuke Tips content into individual post. The Nuke Tips page will act as the hub for current and future posts where it will list down all tips by its published date.


Not really a site update but Nvidia just launched the GeForce GTX 980 and 970. Anyone looking to explore GPU based rendering such as Octane Render, this is a good time to grab one especially GTX 970 for USD $350! Much much cheaper than my GTX 780 and performs slightly faster with lower power consumption.


Nuke Tips page is getting much heavier in total file size every week. I’ll be arranging every tips into individual post in the near future while the page will remain as an index list to all the tips.


Implemented WP Super Cache to served cached file for faster page loading.


There will be no new post until further notice due to my current unforeseen schedule. Nuke Tips will still be updated weekly as usual. Also some plugins is not functioning correctly with WordPress 4.0 for now but it does not impact the navigation and look of the site (although some might noticed the change on this page itself).


Updated WordPress to 4.0. Hopefully the site is not broken in any capacity.


I’m currently testing out Nuke 9 Beta and also the upcoming Nuke Studio. Since The Foundry ask for beta tester to not reveal anything about the software as it is still in beta phase so I’m documenting the significant changes between version 8 and 9 together with how Nuke Studio solved the Nuke and Hiero roundtrip workflow (which I’ll get the post up by Sunday). I’ll share my beta testing experience at here when Nuke 9 and Nuke Studio officially release sometime around the end of the year.


The first entry to Bug of the Day will be Octane Render “Warning! Render is failed!” message for 3dsmax.


Bug of the Day ready to bug every tech support around the world until the bug is gone or at least admitted by the developer.


Shaky hands? Stabilising footage with CameraTracker in NukeX is up!


Officially done with my “you-never-study” aka university life! Huge thanks to The Star Education Fund for giving me opportunity to obtain both a diploma and degree certificate.


Nuke vs After Effects Workflow explained from my personal point of view.


The site has been experiencing really slow response from the hosting server. Once I get a full-time job, I’ll be migrating the site hosting to WP Engine soon.


Do check out Nuke Tips which will be updated at a weekly basis! It is a collection of useful tips that… well helps me a lot in my Nuke project.


CSS tweak with new fonts! With a tad bigger than usual font size to cater to both desktop and mobile users.


I’m experimenting with WordPress Related Posts plugin to add some external life to this site.


Totally overlooked the duplicate site title— This has been fixed so a big apology if your linked site is configured to retrieve my website title and screw up your feed.


Removed Adblock warning message and major Adsense tweaks to prevent layout break for true responsive site layout.


Backend optimisation to improve page loading speed.


RAM Usage in Nuke explained.


Rotoscoping in Nuke ready for consumption.


Collapse-O-Matic added to site to reduce clutter for site update archives.


Implemented Crayon Syntax Highlighter for easier visibility of codes block!


Quick introduction to using camera projection in Nuke.


Minor update to Image Sequence Read Speed in Nuke article.


Fixed small font size for codes.


Nuke Tips is up. It will be a growing collection of useful tips when using Nuke.


Revised grammar for some articles.


Added a not so annoying Adblock warning message. Please consider whitelisting the site! I promise no super intrusive ads!


I’m implementing Google Adsense and the site layout might break or not. This is something I will be monitoring in the long term.


Tweaking CameraTracker in NukeX tutorial is up!


Backend optimisation for future content.


Updated Workstation Specs post with description of the system after owning it for nearly a year. Also fixed minor info error and added Amazon affiliate links for each part of the workstation.


Revamped site SEO.


Minor CSS update for the font size since I find it really large on mobile screen.

© 2025 Huey Yeng
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